Tell your Story
This is the part of the website where everybody can get involved and submit their very own guest blog post to Leisure Knowledge. This also seems to be the most popular area of the site as it revolves around real members who share their real-life experiences, knowledge, and expertise with their like-minded community members.
If you have a blog post which you would like to see published for all to access on the Leisure Knowledge website, take your time to read through the following extensive article I have compiled, which offers all the advice and guidance you need to get your words in front of the 15,000 plus community members. Then, when you are ready to get in touch, drop me a message through the form below so we can work on getting your words of wisdom published!
Why Should You Contribute to My Blog?
When we travel, we explore, but ultimately – we discover. When I began to put together the blog at Leisure Knowledge, I was inundated with people who were keen to talk further about the places which I was blogging about and offer me their own experiences. This got me thinking that with so many viewers accessing this site daily if we could all share a blog of our personal travel experiences, imagine the knowledge we could bring to this website?
When you compile a guest blog post for the website, you ultimately offer your breadth and depth of knowledge to a staggering 15,000 people. These people are using this site for advice, tips, and guidance on how to make the most of their own traveling experience. By offering them your words of advice on the subjects they are interested in you efficiently helping them with their travel choices – which is a beautiful feeling when you help a fellow traveler!
Topics of Interest to All Leisure Knowledge Visitors
You may notice that the blog post categories on the website are vast and varied! I have done everything I can to create a site that covers as many topics as it possibly can while retaining the quality of the information each blog post contains. Currently, I am looking for articles based on the following topics:
- Architecture
- Arts and Culture
- Destinations
- Food and Drinks
- Health and Medicine
- Hotels and Resorts
- Lifestyle
- Nature
- Transport
- Travel Activities
- City Tours
- Events and Festivals
- Nightlife
- Outdoors
- Travel news
In addition to the above selection of topics, I am often asked beforehand for some sample titles that I tend to consider for guest blog posts. This is usually helpful for those who are keen on imparting with their travel knowledge through a blog post, yet are still a little unsure if they are on the right track. This is just a small list of title ideas which tends to cover some of the more widely requested articles on the Leisure Knowledge site:
How to Use a Travel Journal to Record Your Vacations.
What Types of Souvenirs Do Regular Travelers Bring Back with Them?
How Can I Access Up-To-Date Information About a Cities Latest Festivals and Events?
Which Is the Best Airline to Travel with As a Family?
What Essentials Do I Need to Take on My Business Trip?
Who Can Write for My Website?
I am looking for anybody with a passion for anything travel related to write for the Leisure Knowledge website, but I would also love for every writer to offer something of interest to suit the reading habits for the broader community. By this, I mean tell me about that beaten off-road track that you have discovered, that tiny back street restaurant that has the most perfect ambiance, or that breathtaking view you have uncovered which has yet to be found by any other traveler. In short, offer the readers something they want to spend their time reading – something which will gain their attention and encourage them to want to check it out!
I don’t need you to be a qualified writer or even a travel agent for that matter! I merely want you to put your passion for the travel community into words and raise a response from the reader. Don’t get too preoccupied with your spelling and grammar, and don’t feel as though you must tailor your writing style to conform. By this, l mean to write up your post in your own unique writing style and your obvious passion will naturally shine through. I know that when you are as passionate as I am about travel, you can’t help but portray this in your writing. And it is this very essence that I want to capture in all the blog posts submitted to this website.
Write and Publish Your Post Here and Highlight Your Travel Experience
For every contributor to my blog, I would love to write up a small bio to highlight your very own traveling experiences. This way, when everybody reads your fantastic blog post, they can then look at your very credentials and even, if you would like, choose to find out more about you through a mention to your social media account.
This way, not only do you receive the credit you so thoroughly deserve for submitting your knowledge to the site, but with your name pride of place next to your blog post, you also get your name onto a progressive webpage which attracts a total of 15,000 like-minded individuals every month!
Submit a Guest Post to My Blog
Once you have an idea for the type of blog post you want to write, I am more than happy for you to go ahead and write it up in full, and then submit it to me in its entirety. However, I am also open to you contacting me beforehand with a proposed idea for a blog post, if you would prefer to test the waters first and drop me a quick line before you begin at
The submission part of Leisure Knowledge is a simple and straightforward process, and I will endeavor to ensure it stays this way. I aim to do all the technical stuff for you, leaving you free to get on with the vital task at hand – that is writing down your words of wisdom, so we can all share in them together.
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